Red Eyes After Wearing Contacts - Free Health Tips


Red Eyes After Wearing Contacts:

Red Eyes After Wearing Contacts

When you first start to wear contact lenses this can feel unusual and potentially uncomfortable if you are not used to it. However if you are experiencing very red eyes after removing your contacts, then this is something that you shouldn't normally experience and that needs to be addressed.
There are many potential causes for red eyes after wearing contact lenses, and understanding them can help you to avoid the issue. Here are some possible explanations:
You Have Sensitive Eyes
If you have sensitive eyes then they may be irritated by saline solution you are using or by the lenses themselves. Ask your doctor and try different brands. Avoid those that say 'rub free'. Similarly by using a sensitive eye drop with your contacts you may be able to prevent the problem. Some contacts are designed specifically for sensitive eyes and you may have better luck with these.
Check the Expiry Date
If your contacts are expired then they may cause problems for your eyes and particularly dryness.
You Are Not Washing Your Hands
Before you remove your contacts it is very important o thoroughly wash your hands. Otherwise you will be introducing bacteria to your eye each time you take out the lenses. Likewise you should be sure to thoroughly clean the contacts and to keep them disinfected.
Some people's eyes produce more tears than others, and if you do not produce enough then your eyes can become very dry while wearing them. Dry eye is a chronic condition where the eye produces much less moisture than usual. You may wish to consider glasses or LASIK eye surgery in this case, or alternatively to use eye drops. Avoid using your contacts for more than six hours – take them out and replace them with glasses as soon as you get home from work. It may also help to try re-wetting the contact lenses before you remove them. Again another good way to avoid this is also to use eye drops to provide more moisture for your eyes.
You may also have a chronic infection such as blepharitis and this might just be making your eyes more sensitive to the contacts and more likely to get dry. See a doctor and they may recommend using a warm compress and scrubbing your eyelids daily.
Keeping Them In
Keeping contacts in too long is a common cause of getting dry eyes – particularly it is a bad idea to leave contacts in over night, so try to avoid doing this at all costs. Generally though, try to keep contacts in only when you need them for social occasions and remember to use your glasses too. If the problem continues then you may decide to change permanently to using glasses or getting LASIK.


Treatment of Eye Strain


Treatment of Eye Strain:

Spending too much time staring on a stationary object, such as book, TV, computer screen, portable gaming gadget and mobile phone can cause eye strain.
Common symptoms of eye strain are tiredness, increased sensitivity to glare, dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision as well as back and neck pain. Many youngsters have eye strain and they often ignore early symptoms, causing near-sightedness more likely to happen. Human eyes are designed to see stereoscopically in 3D, which means staring to a flat 2D object for a long period of time can cause damages to the eyes.
Habits Changes to Treat Eye Strain
Most mild eye strain can be treated simply by closing both eyes for awhile or taking a short nap. However, if your eyes are sore for the whole day, then habits modification may provide some relief or complete recovery:
Adjust room illumination and screen contrast
The room shouldn’t be too dark that you can’t comfortably read the book or the monitor makes you squint. The room shouldn’t also be too bright that the light washes the monitor out. Adjust the screen contrast, so you can use the monitor comfortably at moderate room lighting.
Adjust the distance
The distance between your eyes and the book or the computer monitor should be at an arm’s length. You should make an experiment to determine the right distance.
Adjust the monitor angle
Looking down at the computer for a long time may make your neck sore. Make sure the monitor is located straight ahead.
Take a break occasionally
After reading a book or using a computer, you should look at something far away, such as clouds or a distant mount. In there are no windows in your room, you should at least look at the farthest object in the room, such as the corner of the room or wall clock. If you’re not allowed to stand up at work due to the nature of your job, at least twist your neck and look at the farthest point at your field of vision.
Use tears
They can keep sore eyes lubricated. Blink more often if you have eye strain, especially at work or while reading something. High pressure at work may cause you to open your eyes too long, causing reddening and dry eyeballs, which can aggravate your eye strain further.
Changes on habit are the easiest and safest way to treat mild eye strain, however, in many cases, they are not enough. Especially if have been ignoring your eyes condition for a long time.
Eye Exercise
Eye exercise can help to calm and soothe tired eyes. It helps bring more oxygen to eye muscles, which can relax them. If you have sore eyes, you can practice these easy exercises for 2 to 5 times a day, especially at moments when close concentrated work is required. During the exercise, you should just move your eyes, breathe steadily, relax your shoulders and keep your head still.
1. Open your eyes widely and look from side to side, up and down, then diagonally. Do both for 10 times each.
2. Look at an imaginary clock and start your focus at 12 o’clock. Move your focus slowly from minute to minute around the clock until you return to 12 o’clock. Close your eyes for awhile and do it again, anti-clockwise this time.
3. Place both palms in the front of your eyes at about 30 cm, with fingers pointing up. It is preferable to do this at edge of the windows. Focus on your palm, breathe in and move your hands apart slowly. Shift your focus to a distant object outside the window Breathe out, bring your hand back together and return your focus to both palms again. Do this for 5 to 10 times.
4. Position your thumb about 30 cm in front of your eyes. Gaze at the thumb for 5 seconds and the look at a distant object beyond your thumb. Repeat this exercise for 5 times.
5. Press the outer edges of your with your finger and close your eyes. Gently message the area around your eyes using repeated circular motions. Repeat this exercise for about 5 times.
6. Rub your hands vigorously until they feel warm. Close both eyes and cup them with your hands for about one minute. Imagine that the warmth flows into your eyes, which make your muscles more relaxed.
These simple exercises can treat mild and moderate eye strain caused by prolonged concentration.
The Long Swing Technique

Treatment of Eye Strain

It is another useful exercise to treat eye strain. It should be performed outdoor and if it isn’t practical, you should do it near the largest window in your home. It can be practiced for 5 minutes and should be performed after you wake up and before you go to bed. The long swing exercise is started by an erect standing posture. Your feet should be about 12 feet apart and don’t square your shoulders. Both arms should hang loosely at your sides and your body must be at ease. Your head must turn with the body and don’t let it move independently. Sway your body easily and slowly from side to side. It should be flexible enough that you can shift all the weight to one foot, but don’t lift the other foot from the flow. When you do this properly, you body will move rhythmically without too much jerking. At this moment, your body should already be fully relaxed.
You should have about 30 swings each minute, which is comparable to the tempo of slow waltz. Many beginners do this exercise too fast, which may make your body less relaxed. To keep your head steady, imagine that the ceiling is so low that it always brushes the top of your head. Although your eyes are open, you shouldn’t stare, in fact don’t try to see anything. To further relieve eye strain, you should blink often during the exercise.
Herbal Remedies
Sometimes a combination of habitual changes and eye exercises can’t treat moderate eye strain effectively. If so, these herbs can be helpful:

 Billberry: These berries are commonly used to treat eye strain and enhance vision. It improves blood flow around and in the eye. If you have eye strain, you should take bilberry capsule 3 times per day. Huckleberry, blueberry and cranberry are also effective for eye treatment.
Goldenseal: It is often used as eye compress. The berberine in goldenseal can treat bloodshot eyes by constricting the blood vessels.
Siberian ginseng: This herb can improve mental function and may be useful for combating viral infections. Siberian ginseng is safe for long-term use when taken daily. You should take the capsule form and follow the specified directions.
Astragalus: It is often used as an energy tonic and can help to improve immune system.
Licorice: It has an anti-inflammatory property, which can relieve discomfort caused by eye strain. You shouldn’t take it more than six weeks and should be taken as a tea.


Relation Between Diet and Eye Disease


Relation Between Diet and Eye Disease:

Our health is very closely linked to our diet in many ways, and maintaining a healthy intake of the right foods is crucial to help keep us strong and healthy and to stave off disease. No part of the body is safe in fact from the role of diet, including something as seemingly far removed as our eyes.
To this end, as with anything, there are foods to include in the diet and there are foods to avoid. Here we will list both to help you look after your eye health as much as possible.
Foods That Can Be Used
Foods high in beta carotene are crucial for good eye health. This is because beta carotene helps the body to make vitamin A which is used to maintain good eye health. A deficiency of vitamin A in fact will cause xerophthalmia which dries out the eyes and affects the cornea. Vitamin A can also help to prevent a number of diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts. Get beta carotene from your diet with fruits and vegetables including: peaches, squash, apricots, carrots and oranges.
Meanwhile consumption of antioxidants can also help to maintain eye health by preventing oxidative damage – though this is a minor effect and this isn't the 'main' role of antioxidant as it were. Vitamin C, A and E, along with essential fatty acids will serve this role. Zinc also is believed to help protect the eyes against macular degeneration.
Foods to Avoid
There are also numerous foods you should seek to avoid. Foods high in sugar for one should be avoided as these can cause nerve damage and potentially lead to diabetes – one of the symptoms of which is vision loss.
It is also important to avoid foods that are too high in saturated fats which can cause poor circulation and thus lead to eye damage that way. Foods high in salt have been shown to increase the chances of forming cataracts.
As ever then, there is no secret formula to protecting your eye health through diet – it's just a matter of avoiding bad fats and sugar and of getting your vegetables – all things you should already be doing. Just make sure to get lots of beta carotene as well.


The 10 Most Common Genetic Diseases


The 10 Most Common Genetic Diseases:

 Genetic Diseases

A genetic disease is a terrible thing – an illness that is written into your very biological code that it can be very difficult to avoid or sometimes even impossible. For parents this can mean giving birth to someone who will never be ‘well’ in the traditional sense, and no amount of exercise or healthy living can help that.
The fortunate news is that genetic (diseases)disorders are relatively uncommon, but that said they are still a real danger and some are certainly more common than others. Here we will look at some of the most common genetic diseases, in no particular order.
The 10 Most Common Genetic Diseases

Cystic Fibrosis: The most common genetic disease is cystic fibrosis, which is a condition affecting around 30,000 Americans. This condition causes an abnormality in the fluids of the lungs which causes a chronic infection and also affects the pancreas, liver and intestine. Other symptoms caused by this include poor growth and weight gain, infertility in males and a salty tasting skin.

Haemophilia: In haemophilia the blood doesn’t clot properly when the patient is injured which leads to continual blood loss. Of course this can be highly dangerous and means that what would be a minor accident for anyone else can become a life threatening injury. It also causes complications during surgery and it’s important that those with haemophilia identify themselves as suffering with it.

Sickle Cell Anaemia: Sickle cell anaemia is genetic condition affecting many people in America and Africa in particular, where the red blood cell becomes ‘sticky’ and ‘C-shaped’ and loses oxygen. These cells then block the blood vessels causing pain, tiredness and damage to the organs.

Down Syndrome: Down syndrome or DS is a chromosomal syndrome which occurs as a result of an extra chromosome and is the most common disorder of that type. Symptoms include distinctive spacing of the facial features, impaired cognitive ability, stunted physical growth and an increased risk of congenital heart disease.

Huntington’s Disease: Huntington’s disease actually isn’t highly common, affecting around 5-10 individuals in every 100,000, but the severity of the symptoms and the relative prevalence in the West means it’s one of the better known conditions. This is an autosomal dominant mutation that can affect either of the two copies of any gene giving a child a 50% chance of inheriting the condition. Symptoms normally begin between the age of 35 and 40, and cause gradual cognitive decline (it is related to Alzheimer’s) followed by impairment in physical ability until the individual begins to find any kind of movement incredibly difficult.

Thalassemia: This is a condition affecting the blood in which the body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells or alternatively does not produce them efficiently enough resulting in a heightened chance of anaemia.
Tay-Sachs: Tay-Sachs is a serious and ultimately fatal condition in which an enzyme called ‘hexosaminidase’ is missing resulting in the progressive deterioration of both cognitive and physical function as a result of the degradation of the central nervous system.

Angelman Syndrome: Angelman syndrome is a neurogenetic disorder which causes intellectual disability as well as sleep disturbances, jerky movements, frequent laughter and smiling and an ‘unusually’ upbeat disposition. Sufferers may also have a more ‘youthful’ appearance (and a delayed growth in head circumference) and hypopigmentation. It is caused by the lack of the maternal element of chromosome 15.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: DMD is a recessive X-linked condition causing muscular dystrophy and ultimately death and affects around 1 in 3,600 boys beginning before the age of five. As the condition progresses it can cause abnormal bone developments and usually the aid of a wheelchair will be necessary by the age of 12.
There are many other types of genetic disorders from fatal familial insomnia to colour blindness – though many of these are either very rare (the former) or not typically considered ‘diseases’ (the latter). Meanwhile many of the other conditions and illnesses that we experience have a genetic element, and it is possible to be genetically more ‘prone’ to conditions such as diabetes and even obesity.


Baldness Cure By Natural Ways - Free Health Tricks


Baldness Cure By  Natural Ways - Free Health Tricks:

Baldness Cure By  Natural Ways - Free Health Tricks
Today, Baldness is not seen as a rare issue amongst men. Truckloads of people out there are seen suffering from baldness due to some ailment, faulty lifestyle and other reasons. Although there is no health complications involved with baldness, it’s considered as an extremely sensitive thing. After all, it affects a person’s outward appearance to a great extent. There is no denying to the fact that each one of us wants to look and feel good on all occasions.
A bald appearance can bring about loads of mental changes in one’s life, considering the fact that we live in an extremely image conscious environment. More than often, individuals resort to some form of conventional treatment to deal with the issue of baldness. However, not many people out there are aware of the fact that baldness can be treated with natural remedies as well. Although not everyone would experience similar benefits, natural remedies do not carry any side effects. So, it’s worth a try!
We all know that homeopathy has been in use for several decades now to help individuals get rid of various health ailments. One of the ways by which homeopathy can be used is to cure baldness. Although one can’t expect rapid results with this treatment, one can stay immune from all kinds of side effects. The best part is that this treatment also contributes to the overall wellbeing of an individual, which is why most people out there do not shy away from resorting to this method for the cure of baldness.
Under aromatherapy, certain herbal oils are used to promote hair growth. Oils such as lavender, rosemary, jojoba etc are used to prevent hair loss and to promote the growth of new hairs. The treatment procedure is very simple over here. An individual is advised to apply one of these oils on the scalp before washing it off. Over here, one should allow the oil to rest on the scalp for some time before washing it off, so that the oil is absorbed nicely by the scalp.
Acupuncture is a holistic way to cure baldness. Just like homeopathy, acupuncture treatment not only promotes hair growth, but it also contributes to the overall wellbeing of an individual. Thin needles are inserted into the patient’s body to cure the person from the respective ailment.
Hydrotherapy is a unique and natural way to get rid of baldness. Under this method, a cold and a hot cloth is placed alternately over the person’s head. The logic behind this unique trick is to improve blood circulation on one’s scalp, and get rid of the dirt that blocks hair follicles.
Today, an individual often resorts to body massage to get rid of body pain and stress. Not many people realize that habitual scalp massage with the aid of good herbal oil can help one get rid of baldness as well. A person is usually advised to massage his/her head twice or thrice a week before plunging into the bed for sleep.
Baldness Cure By  Natural Ways - Free Health Tricks


Female Hair Loss-Free Health Tips


Female Hair Loss:

Whoever you are, Hair Loss is no laughing matter and is a quick way to look older and to feel less attractive. Unfortunately for men hair loss and eventually baldness is often a reality and something that many have to face, however for women this is thought to be much more unusual meaning that most will be spare from its effects, but meaning that those who do suffer with it will feel even more victimised and will be more likely to stand out.
However in reality women are actually still relatively likely to experience some hair loss and particularly thinning of the hair as they become older and this can be highly distressing. Here we will look at some of the causes of female hair loss, as well as some of the things you can do to prevent it or at least to minimise its effects.
Telogen Effluvium
Telogen effluvium is one of the most common causes of hair loss in both women and men and is characterised by the shedding of hairs from the scalp as well as elsewhere on the body. This is often caused by some form of intense stress on the body's hormonal system and this in itself can sometimes be a reaction to medication. This stress causes a larger number of hairs in the body to enter 'telogen' meaning the resting stage where they remain in the follicle until they get pushed out. This often has a relatively sudden onset and can occur at any age. Generally it will improve on its own, as the telogen only lasts for six months after which time the hair will begin to return. In some cases this can be a chronically re-occurring condition.
Androgenetic Elopecia
This is the main cause of male pattern baldness and may be responsible for thinning hair in women over 40 for as many as 50% of the female population. This tends to be somewhat genetic and will usually be passed down by the mother or father. Here the hair loss is caused by a chemical known as DHT made from androgens – the male hormones which is why its slightly more common and more pronounced in men. It is most likely to occur for women after menopause.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition which affects around three percent of the population. Here the hair follicles are actually attacked by the body's own white blood cells causing them to become very small. This can stop hair from growing which may last for months or years. After time some hair may return, while in other cases it may never return. While the hair follicles remain intact and could in theory be triggered to once again begin growing, it is currently unknown how this might be achieved.
The pattern of hair loss in women is different to that of men and while men might experience their hair receding as the hairline becomes further back, women are more likely to notice their hair just thinning. This makes it easy for clever hair styling to cover up some of the baldness. By keeping the hair long it is possible to cover up some of the more bald patches, or by shortening the length it is possible to make it look as though you purposefully chose that look.
In other cases you might decide that you wish to use a wig to cover up your Hair Loss Effect. This allows you to take a potential drawback and use it as a way to reinvigorate your style and to try lots of new and bold looks. If you've ever wondered what you might look like as a red head then now is the time to find out...


Mediterranean Diet Proven to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease


Mediterranean Diet Proven to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease
Many dietitians and scores of books have touted the health benefits of following a Mediterranean diet for some years now, but it was only recently that scientific data has been published to back up their claims. The results of a large-scale 5-year study that was published by the New England Journal of Medicine has found that those who follow the Mediterranean diet have a 30 percent lower risk of death from the effects of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack and stroke.
The First Major Clinical Study of the Mediterranean Diet
Researchers from the University of Barcelona followed 7,447 people who were deemed to have significant cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, a family history of heart disease and being overweight. The participants were randomized into one of three groups: the first group followed a standard Mediterranean diet, supplemented with olive oil (at least 4 tablespoons per day); the second group followed a standard Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts (about an ounce per day of a mixture of walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts); and the third group was prescribed a low-fat diet.
Those following the Mediterranean diet were to consume two servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit each day, in addition to eating fish and legumes (such as peas, beans and lentils) at least three times a week. They were also instructed to substitute white meat for red, and if they drank alcohol, were advised to drink at least seven glasses of wine each week, during meals. Perhaps one of the most important points of the diet was that participants were asked to reduce the consumption of commercially baked goods to no more than three times a week, and to limit their intake of dairy products and processed meats.
The low-fat diet group was instructed to avoid eating nuts and any kind of vegetable oil (including olive oil), remove visible fat from meat and limit their consumption of store-bought desserts to less than one per week. They were encouraged to eat three or fewer servings of a simple carbohydrate each day, such as bread, pasta, potatoes or rice, and three servings of low-fat dairy, in addition to fruit and vegetables.
All three groups were given counseling as to how to follow the diet, although the Mediterranean diet group got more counseling early in the study, meeting weekly with a dietitian. The low-fat diet group got instructions at the beginning of the diet and an annual leaflet, but did not get the same counseling until after there had been a significant loss of participants in the group.
There was no limit placed on the number of calories that could be eaten by either group, nor were participants encouraged to increase physical activity. Participants in the low-fat group had the most difficult time sticking to the dietary guidelines and most ended up simply eating a standard Western diet that was only slightly lower in fat than usual. Experts agree that maintaining a low-fat diet is difficult in the long-term, as the dieters never really feel satisfied.
The participants who followed one of the Mediterranean diets were not only 30 percent less likely to have suffered a heart attack, stroke or have died during the study, they were also 40 percent less likely to suffer a stroke in the study’s 4-year follow-up period than those who followed the low-fat diet. The results were consistent across all participants, whether they were male or female, older or younger. The researchers were not looking to reduce the participants’ weight, cholesterol or blood pressure, but instead were interested in counting the number of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from any cause to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the diet on longevity.
How the Mediterranean Diet Benefits the Cardiovascular System
Although the researchers believe that the primary difference between the outcomes of the Mediterranean diet group and the low-fat diet group was the increased consumption of olive oil and nuts, they nevertheless suggest that it is not possible to break down the beneficial elements of the Mediterranean diet into specific components. The researchers noted, "Perhaps there is a synergy among the nutrient-rich foods included in the Mediterranean diet that fosters favorable changes" in factors that lead to cardiovascular disease, such as inflammation, oxidation, cholesterol and insulin resistance. The Mediterranean diet is composed of many parts, all of which help to reduce your risk of death from cardiovascular disease.


Vegetable Oils Can Increase Risk of Death From Heart Disease


Vegetable Oils Can Increase Risk of Death From Heart Disease:

It is almost impossible to find a doctor who will not recommend that if we want to reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease and death from heart attack, we should try to eliminate as many saturated fats from our diet as possible and instead substitute them with polyunsaturated fats such as those found in most vegetable oils. However, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has found that this advice may be highly flawed.
For over 50 years, physicians have advised people to cut out the butter and lard that was a staple in every home in our grandmothers’ day, which they used for cooking everything from roast chicken to apple pie. Doctors have believed that reducing our intake of saturated fat would reduce our cholesterol levels and lessen our risk of heart disease. However, saturated fat is not the culprit in high cholesterol, as recent studies have shown, and having low levels of cholesterol does not necessarily mean you have a lower risk of heart disease.
Re-Evaluation of the Sydney Diet Heart Study
The study in the BMJ was a meta-analysis of missing data recovered from the Sydney Diet Heart Study, which had been conducted between 1966 and 1973. For three years, researchers followed 458 Australian men who had a history of cardiovascular disease. The men were randomized into two groups, one of which was instructed to reduce their intake of saturated fats to 10% of calories consumed and increase their intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the form of safflower oil to 15% of their daily calories. The control group was not given any specific dietary advice, but all non-dietary parameters of the study participants were the same.
Dr. Christopher Ramsden, author of the study and a clinical investigator at the U.S. National Institutes of Health in Washington said, "The group that was randomized to omega-6 from safflower oil, they had increased risk of death from all causes as well as death due to coronary heart disease and death due to cardiovascular disease and this was despite significant cholesterol lowering."
Too Much Omega-6 the Culprit
In our typical Western diet, the most commonly consumed PUFA is in the form of omega-6 linoleic acid. Researchers believe that the problem with omega-6 fatty acids is that they are not only involved in lowering cholesterol, but they may also increase inflammation, oxidation and clotting, which have a more detrimental effect on cardiovascular health than any benefit that may be attained from the lowering of cholesterol.
Despite a growing body of evidence that increasing our consumption of omega-6 fatty acids actually raises our risk of heart disease (particularly in cases where intake of omega-3 fatty acids is low), the American Heart Association refuses to adapt their recommendations to reflect new research and still advises people to increase their intake of these fats.
Philip C. Calder, professor of nutritional immunology at the University of Southampton in the UK noted in an editorial about the study that it "provides important information about the impact of high intakes of omega 6 PUFAs, in particular linoleic acid, on cardiovascular mortality" and that physicians and dietary advisers should rethink the current "saturated fat bad, omega 6 PUFA good" doctrine. Calder believes that this study served to "underscore the need to properly align dietary advice and recommendations with the scientific evidence base."
How to Reduce Intake of Omega-6 Fatty Acids
It is difficult to avoid omega-6 oils, as they are used for so many of the common items we eat every day. However, if you cook for yourself you have a choice in the level of omega-6 you take in. The most common omega-6-rich oils used for cooking are corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil and soybean oil, including margarines made from these oils. Instead, substitute olive oil or coconut oil for cooking and try to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which will help to balance out your intake of omega-6. Omega-3 fatty acid is best found in fatty fish, such as sardines, mackerel, herring and salmon, and in flaxseed oil. Also, by reducing your intake of processed foods you can significantly cut down on the amount of omega-6 you consume, as most processed foods contain oils high in omega-6 fatty acid.


Advantages And Disadvantages Of Abortion


Advantages And Disadvantages Of Abortion:-


It is true that Abortion has become modern casualty.Although many people are thinking that it's not true but some are in favor of this issue.The fact of the matter is that most of the statistics concerning abortion do not depict a satisfactory picture. In fact, abortion has always been a heated subject amongst the masses as people have their own school of thoughts regarding it.
That being said, there are many laws governing the legality of this issue. While in as much as 30 countries, abortion is legalized, remaining countries have partial restrictions or complete ban on abortion, unless life of the mother is at stake. You would be surprised to know that abortion caused due to rape and other health complications account to nearly 7%, while the remaining cases of abortion are primarily a result of personal and social issues. It’s interesting to learn the pros and cons of abortion as it offers us a great insight about this issue. Let’s move on to the pros and cons of abortion.
Abortion Cons:
-By all accounts, abortion appears like an awful crime. After all, abortion implies denying someone a well-deserved life. Just because the odds are not in our favor, can we deprive someone the chance to live?
-By terminating a life, can we justify our acts? A baby is often considered as a God’s gift, and it’s believed that every living being has a purpose behind his/her birth. By tampering with a life, aren’t we acting against the creator of the world?
-Having an abortion done always carries the risk of not being able to become pregnant ever again in life.
-Abortion can also lead to serious health complications, and in some cases the worst case scenario can be death.
-It often leads to unwanted memories, which can result into great stress and depression. Some women experience a feeling of guilt, which lasts for their whole lifetime. In short, abortion can turn out to be a lifetime worth of burden.
Abortion Pros:
-Sometimes life can be really harsh on us. There are times when abortion may appear as the only option for the betterment. Although a mother may have a hard time opting for this option, she may eventually consider this soul-killing decision, keeping in mind all the pros and cons of this decision.
-At the end of the day, a mother has to go through the actual labor pain and other issues involved with parenting and juggling responsibilities. Others can’t precisely gauge or understand the level of trauma that a woman may be experiencing in her personal life. She is the only person who knows best, if she would be able to take care of the unplanned child or not. We all know that it’s merely impossible to raise a child without family support and finance in hand. To a great extent, the life of the baby depends upon the mother’s health.
-In some cases, medical emergencies compel a woman to resort to this action. There is a possibility that her own life might be at risk, if she delivers the child.
-Some of the rape victims can be minors. They wouldn’t be mentally or physically prepared to take care of the newborn baby. Why should such victims go through the ordeal of bearing a child, which is a product of some unfortunate incident of their life?
-Technologies have enabled disease detection amongst unborn babies. Giving life to an unhealthy baby and watching it suffer all day and night can be highly jeopardizing for the family as well as the newborn child.
-Can a woman be forced to produce a life? Giving life to an unwanted child might invite world of troubles for both mother and the child. So, are we being fair to the child?
Whether you agree or not, abortion will always play an active role in our society. In the US itself, more than 4000 cases of abortion are reported on daily basis. While for one, abortion can be a highly miserable experience, to the other, having a forced child can be a highly miserable experience. It’s impossible to go by a rule book, when it comes to dealing with an issue, where human lives are at stake. At the end of the day, a mother has every right to decide the next move of her life.Abortion is a very difficult process for a girl and it breaks all body by some way.